Sample Procedure & Submission
Sample Specifications
For each case submitted, a LABORATORY SUBMISSION FORM must be completed and accompany the samples.
Submission forms can be found under the forms tab on the website.
As a minimum we require:
- Contact details of the submitting Veterinarian / submitter
- The property owners name, postcode and property identification code for production animals (tail tag, PIC, tattoo number).
- Type of sample. I.e. Swab, feed, fresh tissue, blood etc.
- Animal species and age.
- Site of specimen
- Brief, salient history
- Disease you suspect
- Treatment to date.
- Date specimen collected
- Additional requests to be confirmed in writing
- Ensure each sample is individually labelled
- Details for reporting and charging purposes
We require a minimum of 200 grams, to perform the most common NIR profile. If you require wet chemistry, we require an additional 200 grams and an additional microbiological testing on your feed samples, we require 100grams more sample.
We require serum samples for serology testing, in most cases EDTA or Lith heprin samples will not be suitable for testing.
Some serology testing can be conducted on milk samples. If you are submitting milk samples for testing, these samples can be frozen prior to submission.
Please do not freeze or refrigereate serum samples prior to submission.
Please ensure that samples are submitted to the laboratory as close to the collection date and time as possible. It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that samples are submitted to the laboratory packaged correctly, ensuring the safety of the samples and the person opening the samples. If samples are received that are considered grossly contaminated the laboratory reserves the right to deem the sample unable to be tested and discard the samples.
Histopathology Samples
Samples should be placecd in a 10% buffered Formalin solution as soon as possible after collection. Tissue volume should be less than 1/10th that of the formalin solution. Use wide mouthed, leak proof containers.
ACE Laboratory Services does not recommend that you send Formalin in the mail and, as an alternative for sending formalin samples in the mail, we suggest that you fix the tissue (in formalin) for 24–48hrs, remove from the formalin, wrap in formalin soaked gauze, place in plastic bag and seal for shipment. This technique decreases the probability of spillage and leakage of formalin during mailing.
Water Testing
The requested tests determine the volume of water that we require for testing. It is recommended that you submit at least 150ml of water per test that you require, with the exception of Salmonella testing which requires at least 1L of water for testing. It is preferred that your water samples arrive at the laboratory within 24hrs of being collected and that the water is kept between 2oC – 8oC.
Molecular biology
Faeces, tissue, bodily fluids or dry swabs are the preferred sample types. Gel swabs (transport swabs) may cause PCR inhibition and are not ideal. PCR is very sensitive so please ensure you keep samples from different animals separate so as not to cross contaminate between specimens. Some viruses degrade very quickly and speedy transport to the laboratory is required – please speak to the laboratory prior to sample collection for CFV testing.
Blood Collection Tubes
Different blood collection tubes have been specifically designed for tests / samples. At ACE Laboaratory Services we normally use the following tubes:
Colour* | Additive* | Specimen type | Uses* | Order of draw |
White | No additive | Serum | Biochemistry / Serology / Immunology / Endocrinology | 1 |
Light Blue | Sodium Citrate | Plasma | Clotting factors PT, APTT | 2 |
Red | Clot activator | Serum | Biochemistry / Serology / Immunology | 3 |
Red with Yellow ring | Gel, clot activator | Serum | Biochemistry / Serology / Immunology | 3 |
Yellow | Serum with Gel | Serum | Biochemistry / Serology / Immunology | 3 |
Green | Lith Heparin | Plasma | Biochemistry | 4 |
Purple | EDTA | Whole blood | Haematology, Platelets, Cytology, Body Fluid analysis | 5 |
Grey | Fluoride Oxalate | Plasma | Blood Glucose levels | 6 |
*May differ depending on the tube brand
There are some tests which require no additives or specific additives to be in the collection tubes, it is important that if you are unsure of samples requirements that you contact the laboratory.
Sample Pick-up and Transportation
ACE laboratory Services offers a free sample pick up service for customers within the Bendigo area at scheduled pick up times. Pickups must be requested via phone. Transportation of all samples will comply with Australian Standards.
Onsite collection of samples outside of the Bendigo region are available on request.
For a pick up, please phone ACE Laboratory Services on 03 5443 9665.
For customers outside the Bendigo area, please contact us to discuss sample transportation options.